As humans we have the right to freedom. Freedom to do what we want, make our own choices, and decide who we want to become. Freedom is an incredible thing that we all utilize every single day, even in the smallest of things. The sad thing is that some of us don’t actually feel free. Maybe it’s your job. Maybe you don’t love where you work or the environment there. Work can make you feel trapped. Maybe it’s your family. Maybe they make you feel you cannot show them who you truly are and who you want to be. Maybe you feel you have to pursue a certain career or business in order to make them happy. No matter what is making you feel trapped and like you are no where near freedom, you can fix it. Find a career that makes you genuinely happy. One that you are excited and eager to pursue. I have been there. I hated the career I was pursuing in college, so I made a change. I thought my family would be upset with me because I was no longer pursuing a career that would make me a doctor and that makes no where near the same amount of money. They ended up being excited for me to find out what I genuinely wanted to do with my life.
Freedom within family is a whole other topic. It is very important to feel accepted as you are and loved. Some are more blessed with this than others. I am so sorry if you are someone who does not feel accepted for whatever reason by your family. It could be political differences, career choices, changes or decisions you have made, even something like a new tattoo or piercing. I have recently had to learn a lesson in this area of my life. And by recent I mean I am still learning today. I decided about a year ago to get a tattoo. One that has great meaning to me, my spiritual life, and the growth I have gone through. I hid it for a year from my family because I was worried I would be seen as less of a person. Like I was trash and making terrible life decisions. The truth is, tattoos are not a sin and are becoming widely popular today. I recently told my parents and they were very upset. But they were not upset I got a tattoo. They were upset I felt I had to hide it from them. Now I am trying to learn to quit hiding it from other members of my family and to just be me. To fully embrace my beliefs and who I am, whether it is accepted or not by everyone. All that matters is that I am loved by God and am following His Word.
Another area of life that makes people feel freedom is lost is within following God. Many see the Bible as a rule book that keeps believers from being free. They think it is just all these rules that tie you down in life and keep you from living fully. But oh my word it is the complete opposite. I have never experienced freedom the way I do in Jesus. Before Christ was in my life I was tied down by sin and by what the world says I need to be. I felt I had to make huge amounts of money, become famous, and follow the latest trends to be relevant. That was not freedom. I was tied down by the world. But now I am truly free to be who I want and what I want without the blindness of the world in sight. People believe this is where you lose freedom in Christ. Some look at me and my dreams and believe I am wasting my life and chained from freedom. But I can be anything and whoever I want to be. I genuinely can. Because following Christ causes me to see who I do not want to become and the worldly sins I do not want to pursue in order to not break God’s heart. That is freedom. Eyes wide open, ready to be who I want to be, who God is calling me to be, knowing God has it in control. I have no fear of losing my job, of not obtaining my dream career, or of my future in any manner because I know God has it in his hands. That is the best freedom. Freedom from fear and worry of my future. Freedom from killing myself to be who the world says I should be. All because of Christ and my beliefs. True freedom.
I am just now finding this freedom in all areas I spoke about above. I am still working on some and maybe you are too. That is okay! Maybe this blog has helped you realize areas you need to work on that you are trapped in and not free. My advice to you is to first find your freedom in Christ and then find yourself in Christ. Learn to love yourself, your beliefs, and who you are becoming. Afterwards, you will find the best freedom of your life and so much joy.